New Technology Makes Tree Removal A Lot Easier
Does money grow on trees? Our ancestors have taught us that it does not. But, for those who are in the tree removal business, money does grow on trees.
Although there can be no argument that trees are not only essential but also helpful for human existence, there are times when these very trees pose serious environmental and personal hazards. Depending on the extent to which the problem tree or trees impact your neighbourhood and movement of men and material, the only option before you may be seeking help from a tree removal service. In regions where overhead lines supply power to human habitats and supporting infrastructure, trees can cause serious disruptions and therefore the local regulations may also require that the owner of the tree addresses the problem squarely.
Tree removal is more complex compared to tree care because of the intrinsic risks involved in the process. Tree removal London specializes in safely and efficiently removing trees from residential and commercial properties.
Removing trees from forests or thinly populated regions can be a no brainer. But, when we consider tree removal in metropolitan areas or other thickly populated regions, the game changes sharply and suddenly we need to put more thought and money into the whole operation. Traditional methods of tree removal had its share of risk factors and much depended on the expertise of the specialist or team of specialists handling the job.

Technology Brings Desirable Changes To Tree Removal
Thankfully, today we are living at a time when technology is impacting nearly every facet of our lives. From securing homes to communicating, socializing, to food services, there is a facile technology making the process more secure and easier. Tree removal services have not been left behind by technology and we now have many new equipments incorporating modern technology to make tree removal quick, hassle free and relatively safe.
Daryl’s Tree and Stump Removal is an Australian business based out of Melbourne and offers a wide range of services in the tree removal space.
Let us briefly some of these modern day machines that help in tree removal across cities, suburbs and forests.
Excavator Mulcher
This hydraulic attachment needs an excavator that is in the range of 7 and 35 metric tons depending on how you plan to use the equipment and the terrain involved. If you have noticed perhaps, computer chips have the ability to double their speed once every two years while hydraulic power is impacted by the pressure and flow in the pipes and hoses. Expressed differently, hydraulics does not support any exponential or geometrical increase in power. However, miniaturized versions of the machine may function differently but they are far from helpful in commercial environments. While this machine is significantly helpful in open or sparsely populated terrains, its large size can be a significant constraint for deployment in residential areas.
Work Trucks Using Alternative Energy
Recent years have seen significant activity in the electric, hybrid and driverless passenger vehicles. But for tree trimming works or tree removal services, researchers state that any desirable technological advancement is still ‘work in progress’. Yet, some progress has been made in using natural gas to run the trucks by retro fitting diesel engines. Presently, smaller vehicles are more in focus and hopefully, once the technology stabilizes, it should transition to the bigger vehicles as well. As for vehicles with electric or hybrid engine, the task gets even more challenging since it is difficult to find a vehicle with adequate power to suit tree services at entry costs that an average service provider can afford.
Currently, the technology allows heavy duty engines to use natural gas primarily while diesel acts in the form of a liquid spark plug. Using this technology, trucks can expect to run on natural gas to the extent of 90%. Admittedly, we cannot term this as a break-through technology and yet, it is a great stride that could be helpful for large fleets in saving as much as 20% every year on fuel costs.
Computer Controlled Interfaces
Computer controlled interfaces have been introduced into heavy duty excavators and similar equipments used in tree removal operations. These interfaces show boom angle, boom length, load on the hook, and rated capacity allowing the operator to tune audible alarms for boom length, angle and rotation position. Manufacturers who provide this technology hold the view that these computerized interfaces are of immense value to operators to monitor crane operations continuously and receive alerts on potential overload while providing optimal efficiency for the crane. The technology is however is in its nascent state and with higher adoption and miniaturization, the costs are projected to come down.
Presently, the providers of this technology are also focusing on integrating artificial intelligence with the control interfaces while energy efficiency is also another area where they are hoping to introduce significant improvements in the near future.
Would Drones Be Another Option For Arborists?
Technology enthusiasts are also discussing the deployment of drones in tree removal services. Experiments have already got underway by attaching a chainsaw to the drone. When you look at the visuals, the thought does appeal to the tree removal industry. The thought of a drone hovering over a large tree with its chain saw and reducing a huge tree into a heap of debris in a short space of time is enticing for the industry.
Summing Up
The world of technology offers endless possibilities today. Innovations will be guided by what markets need and its potential to absorb new technologies in an ongoing manner. Everything has a cost attached and if the tree removal industry can demonstrate the marketability of new innovations, the researchers would be more than willing to burn midnight oil to find solutions that enable the industry to flourish. In the context of tree removal, these huge machines can cost top dollars and therefore affordability in the hand of customers looking to remove hazardous trees in metropolitan areas can pose hurdles for the tree removal industry in adopting technology at a rapid pace.