About Elinz Electronics
At Elinz Electronics source and buy electronics product in bulk from factories around the world and sell it to our customers directly. We have been operating since 2005 and have been providing our customers with outstanding quality, unbeatable prices and great customer service. We sell Reversing Camera Kits, Car DVD player, Car Stereo, GPS Navigation System, LED light bars, Headrest DVD players, Roof Mount DVD players and Inverters.Great customer service is our priority and a core value of our organisation. We hold all stock in Melbourne, as such buying from us is faster and cheaper than purchasing similar items overseas.
There are no hidden customs duties or taxes upon importation and we offer 12 months warranty. All our prices include GST. Read more
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We constantly improve our product quality by working together with the manufacturer in research and development. We encourage feedback and aim to deliver the best electronics in response to our customer requirements.